Parts Terminology

12V - 12 Volt System
1st Prod. - 1st half of production year
24V - 24 Volt System
2BBL 2 Barrel Carburetor
2nd Prod - Second half of production year
2WD 2 Wheel Drive
4BBL 4 Barrel Carburetor
4WD 4 Wheel Drive
6V 6 Volt System

A/C. - Air Conditioning
Alt. - Alternator

B+ - Battery Positive

C Computer - (example “C-FR-IG-L”)
Carb. - Carburetor
CC - Cubic Centimeter
C.E. - Commutator or Brush End
CI - Cubic Inch
C.S. - Center Support

DD - Direct Drive
D.E. - Drive End
DOHC - Dual overhead Cam

EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
Exc. - Except
Ext. Reg. - External Regulator
F/P - Fan and Pulley
FR - (example “S-FR-IG-L”)
FWD - Front Wheel Drive

G Ignition – (example “G-L-S-F”)
G/R - Gear Reduction Starter

HBL - Rear Window Defroster
H.D. - Heavy Duty
HO - High Output
HT - High Torque
H/W - Heated Windshield

IC - Internal Circuit
IG - Ignition - (example “S-FR-IG-L”)
Ign. -. Ignition
Inj. - Injection
IF - Internal Fan
IR - Internal Regulator 

L - Light Terminal (example “S-FR-IG-L”)
L.H. - Lever Housing or Shift Lever Housing
LT - Low Torque

M - Metric
MFI - Multi-Port Fuel Injection
Mtg. - Mounting or Mount

N/A - Not Available or Not Applicable

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OSGR - Offset Gear Reduction (Starter)
OHC - Overhead Cam
Opt. - Optional

P Term - “P” Terminal on rear of (Alternator)
P/B - Power brakes
P/S - Power Steering
PLGR - Planetary Gear Ruduction (Starter)
PMDD - Permanent Magnet Direct Drive (Starter)
PMGR - Permanent Magnet Gear Reduction (Starter)
PMOSGR - Permanent Magnet Offset Gear Reduction (Starter)
Prod.. - Production

R Term. - “R” Terminal on the rear of the alternator
Rect. - Rectifier
Repl - Replaces
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive

S - Sensing (example “S-FR-IG-L”)
Serp. - Serpentine
Sgl. - Single
Sol. - Solenoid (Starter)
Std. - Standard
Str. - Starter

TBI - Throttle Body Injection
Term. - Terminal

V Pulley - 1 or Multi-groove Pulley
VR - Voltage Regulator

W/Term. - Alternator Terminal (Usually Labeled “W”)
w/AC - With Air Conditioning
wo/AC - Without Air Conditioning
w/AT - With Automatic Transmission
w/MT - With Manual (Standard) Transmission